Industrial machinery design

Design using CAD (Computer Asisted Design) software allows engineers to create three-dimensional models of machines, components and complete systems. With this technology, different configurations and functionalities can be simulated and tested, helping to optimize the design before manufacturing.
Design of parts and parts for machines
The design of parts and parts for machines is a fundamental task in the manufacturing industry. The use of specialized computer asisted design (CAD) software facilitates this process, allowing designers to capture their ideas virtually and make modifications with ease.
Diseño de troqueles y matrices para autopartes

Tenemos amplia experiencia en el diseño de troqueles y matrices para la fabricación de autopartes de alta calidad. Contamos con un equipo de ingenieros altamente capacitados y experimentados en el campo, que utilizan tecnologías de vanguardia para crear diseños precisos y eficientes.
Drawing up of plans

The collection of mechanical drawings include information on the dimensions, tolerances, materials and manufacturing processes necessary to build or assemble the system or component in question.
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+57 301 748 1191
Carrera 8 #7-25
Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia